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Visualise Tidal events

Visualise events with tidal-vis

tidal-vis is a tool made by Alex McLean to visualise Tidal patterns. This package allows several things:

  • OSC messages sent to SuperCollider to be dynamically rendered in realtime with a separate window. Demo of realtime visualisation.
  • Colour patterns to be rendered as PDF or SVG files. See Examples.hs in the GitHub repository for more help.
  • Colour patterns to be rendered to be rendered dynamicly in separate window. See CycleAnimation.hs for more. Demo.
  1. Comment out any existing lines in BootTidal.hs that begin with tidal <- startTidal.

  2. Add the following lines to BootTidal.hs:

-- Target and shape for pattern visualizing.
patternTarget = Target { oName = "Pattern handler", oAddress = "", oPort = 5050, oBusPort = Nothing, oLatency = 0.02, oWindow = Nothing, oSchedule = Pre BundleStamp, oHandshake = False }
patternShape = OSC "/trigger/something" $ Named {requiredArgs = []}
-- Target for playing music via SuperCollider.
musicTarget = superdirtTarget { oLatency = 0.1, oAddress = "", oPort = 57120 }
config = defaultConfig {cFrameTimespan = 1/20}
-- Send pattern as OSC both to SuperCollider and to tidal-vis.
tidal <- startStream config [(musicTarget, [superdirtShape]), (patternTarget, [patternShape])]
-- Send pattern as OSC to SuperCollider only.
-- tidal <- startTidal musicTarget config
  1. Install tidal-vis and run:
Terminal window
cabal update
cabal install tidal-vis
  1. Evaluate your Tidal code.

To learn more about tidal-vis, head to the GitHub repository of the project.

Visualise the Tidal clock

You can use SuperCollider GUI libraries to create a small window showing the current state of the Tidal clock. pulu scripted the following solution:

// start superdirt first
var clockMods, clockBeats, screenW, screenH, clockW, clockH, clockX, clockY, resizable, border;
clockMods = [4,6];
clockBeats = 4;
screenW = 1440;
screenH = 900;
clockW = 120;
clockH = 22;
clockX = screenW - clockW;
clockY = screenH - 1;
resizable = false;
border = false;
~clockText = StaticText()
~updateClock = { |cycle|
var text, beat;
text = clockMods.collect { |m| "" ++ (cycle.floor.asInteger.mod(m) + 1) ++ "/" ++ m; }.join(" ");
beat = (cycle.mod(1)*clockBeats).round.asInteger + 1;
text = text ++ " " ++ clockBeats.collect { |i| if(i < beat, ".", " "); }.join;
~clockWindow = Window("clock", Rect(clockX, clockY, clockW, clockH), resizable, border)
SynthDef(\tick, { |cycle|, "/tick", [cycle]);;
OSCdef(\tick, { |msg|
var cycle;
#cycle = msg[3..];
Routine {
{ ~updateClock.(cycle); }.defer;
}, "/tick");

After evaluating this script (in your BootTidal.hs or after booting SuperDirt), play the following pattern:

p "tick" $ "0*4" # s "tick"

The Didactic Pattern Visualiser

For a different approach to visualizing Tidal patterns, see the Didactic Pattern Visualizer by Iván Abreu. Also see the blog post on it by HighHarmonics with examples and code: Tidal Visualization with Didactic Pattern Visualizer.