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Mandalas and TidalCycles

This year, I made a project involving TidalCycles and Mandalas for Summer of Haskell. As you may well know by now, TidalCycles is a software for making patterns with code. It is used to create patterns of many kinds, from music and visualisations to dance moves for robots. Tidal uses a paradigm called Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) under the hood. This is useful for acts involving continuous time, including composing music and animations.

Profile: GEIKHA

I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Coming from an artistic family, I grew up learning about music production and image manipulation. And as an internet child (I was born in this millennium), I grew up chronically attached to the computer. I’ve developed most of my musical knowledge as a Hip-Hop producer and as a musical omnivore. However, nowadays, I’ve grown away from Hip-Hop to dive into UK Garage and Chicago Footwork specifically.

About the Tidal Blog

The TidalCycles blog is intended to be by — for — about the Tidal community. Anyone engaged with TidalCycles is encouraged to submit a blog post. Topics can be about Tidal practices, music made with Tidal, live coding, event coverage, new developments & releases, community, etc. Topics can also be broader — anything that would be of interest to this community, and it doesn’t have to be limited to Tidal!