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Playlist: Eclectic

Here is a playlist of recordings made with Tidal. This is a collection of performances that have stuck with me that I continue to draw inspiration from. It is very eclectic, with many different styles - which I think is wonderful. Tidal, after all, can be used for just about any kind of music making, and we should all celebrate the incredible range of expression being done under the heading of live coding. Enjoy!

Artistrecording / performance
Yaxugabba improv - Algorave 10th Birthday Stream
This is one of my favorite Yaxu performances. It is fun, builds intensity and shows how to exploit just a few samples - gabba + cpu. He also live codes a small dancing robot. Cool!
Eloi el Bon Noii la sessió maleïda (The cursed session)
Eloi (the good guy) performed this on the Solstice Stream (Dec, 2022) and it burned up the chat with raves. It starts with a radical remix/cutup of the Led Zepplin classic, Kashmir.
Polymorphic Engine (Martin Gius)Codified Waves
Evocative and mesmerizing acousmatic music based on field recordings of electromagnetic waves manipulated in Tidal.
LinalabSolstice Night Stream
I really love the vibe here - how it starts in a drone like mode and slowly builds intensity. Nice!
ndr_brtsingle sample #4: gtr
Ndr has a whole series of tidal performances done “from scratch” and many use the “single sample” approach. The coding is minimalist but so expressive! bd, MI Clouds drones
Dan GorelickIn seven - TidalCycles arpeggio jam
Dan strikes me as the “Miles Davis” of live coding - oh so cool, but masterful and innovative.
Bernard Gray (cleary)av v0.1
Experimental electronic music - based on artworks converted to audio as a spectrogram. When the synths come in it will blow you away!
CNDSDSolstice Stream - 2021
Solstice Stream - 2022
The mixed media work of CNDSD is in a class all by itself. Enigmatic visual storytelling, haunting sounds and expressive live coding all together. Amazing. I love the morphing faces at the end of the 2022 set as the Euclidan beat takes over.
Relyt RAlbum Xuixo: Track 1 - Nondegenerate (33 EDO)
Relyt R wrote an incredible blog post about this xenharmonic music conceived in an intense techno style. Just read it and listen!
digital selvesEurostar
From the 2022 Bandcamp EP - error topography. Very cool groove, sharp glitchy rhythmic sounds and intense bass line. Well done!
Weekly RavePlaylist: 3/2023 -> now
Cleary & Joanq hold a weekly Rave jam session using Estuary. Sessions are streamed and archived. Lots of great collaborations. Check it out!

Bonus - Sardine!

Bubo (Raphaël Forment)Solstice Stream - Dec, 2022
Ok, so it’s not Tidal - but Bubo comes from Tidal, and this is performance is sheer delight!