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3 posts with the tag “visuals”

Mandalas and TidalCycles

This year, I made a project involving TidalCycles and Mandalas for Summer of Haskell. As you may well know by now, TidalCycles is a software for making patterns with code. It is used to create patterns of many kinds, from music and visualisations to dance moves for robots. Tidal uses a paradigm called Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) under the hood. This is useful for acts involving continuous time, including composing music and animations.

Tidal Visualization with Didactic Pattern Visualizer

Didactic Pattern Visualizer (DPV) is an easy way to visualize sound patterns from TidalCycles. It was created by the artist and creative technologist Iván Abreu “… to study the potential and complexity of the syntax of the pattern system for sequencing TidalCycles sounds.” It utilizes the open source visualization program Processing to provide a scrolling grid where colored shapes appear in rhythm reflecting the flow of Tidal events (notes).