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3 posts with the tag “release”

Playlist: Eclectic

Here is a playlist of recordings made with Tidal. This is a collection of performances that have stuck with me that I continue to draw inspiration from. It is very eclectic, with many different styles - which I think is wonderful. Tidal, after all, can be used for just about any kind of music making, and we should all celebrate the incredible range of expression being done under the heading of live coding. Enjoy!

New Release: Xuixo EP, by Relyt R

Xuixo, a 6-track EP released on the xenharmonic label “split-notes” is the first studio EP by Relyt R, the alias I created for microtonal algorave. Relyt R is a focused split from my other algorave work as R Tyler. The Xuixo EP features algorithmic and machine learning enabled techno and dance music using non-Western tunings. 19-, 21-, and 33-tone equal temperaments were chosen to synthesize alien harmonies and melodies with notes exterior to the common 12.

QBRNTHSS — making a live coding album

“The Magic Words Are Squeamish Ossifrage” is the plain text solution to many cryptographic challenges, a tradition originated in a challenge set by the authors of the RSA encryption algorithm in 1977. It is my first full-length album as QBRNTHSS, the result of more than a year of live performances and rehearsals using TidalCycles and Supercollider as main instruments. It’s published on the Sheffield label Interworld Media in digital download and cassette tape, and aesthetically it’s a mixture of synthetic textures, noisy ambients and broken rhythms.