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Write arpeggios

This page will teach you how to get started writing arpeggios using different techniques. It is a good way to learn TidalCycles in a more intuitive way.

From notes

Start with a simple sequence of notes:

d1 $ n "c a f e"
# sound "supermandolin"

Now, let’s play one per cycle:

d1 $ n "<c a f e>"
# sound "supermandolin"

On top of that, put a copy of the sequence, offset in time and pitch:

d1 $ n (off 0.125 (|+ 7) "<c a f e>")
# sound "supermandolin"

Add some structure to the original sequence:

d1 $ n (off 0.125 (|+ 7) "<c*2 a(3,8) f(3,8,2) e*2>")
# sound "supermandolin"
# legato 2

Reverse in one speaker:

d1 $ jux rev $ n (off 0.125 (|+ 7) "<c*2 a(3,8) f(3,8,2) e*2>")
# sound "supermandolin"
# legato 2

Let’s add another layer:

d1 $ jux rev $ n (off 0.125 (|+ 12) $ off 0.125 (|+ 7) "<c*2 a(3,8) f(3,8,2) e*2>")
# sound "supermandolin"
# legato 2

From chords

We will start with a C major chord:

d1 $ n "c'maj"
# sound "supermandolin"
# legato 2

Using the arp function to arpeggiate:

d1 $ arp "up" $ n "c'maj"
# sound "supermandolin"
# sustain 0.5

Let’s add another note to the chord:

d1 $ arp "up" $ n "c'maj'4"
# sound "supermandolin"
# sustain 0.5

Add another chord:

d1 $ arp "up" $ n "c'maj'4 e'min"
# sound "supermandolin"
# sustain 0.5

Change the arpeggiator:

d1 $ arp "pinkyup" $ n "c'maj'4 e'min"
# sound "supermandolin"
# sustain 0.5

Oh, and we can also pattern the arpeggiator:

d1 $ arp "<pinkyup down thumbup up>" $ n "c'maj'4 e'min"
# sound "supermandolin"
# sustain 0.5

Change the chords, add some reverb:

d1 $ jux rev $ arp "<pinkyup down thumbup up>" $ n "<c'maj'4 e4'min'8 f4'maj'4>"
# sound "supermandolin"
# sustain 2 # room 0.3 # sz 0.9

Add some variety with ‘chunk’:

d1 $ chunk 4 (|- note 5) $ jux rev $
arp "<pinkyup down thumbup up>" $ n "<c'maj'4 e4'min'8 f4'maj'4>"
# sound "supermandolin"
# sustain 2 # room 0.3 # sz 0.9