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Slice your samples and rearrange their contents

In this page you’ll find guides on how to slice your samples in bits and rearrange these bits, allowing you to explore the techniques known as granular synthesis (for very small bits) and concatenative synthesis (for bigger bits).

The basics: chop

chop cuts each sample into a number of bits, then plays them in order. For example, if we had samples A and B, chop 2 $ sound "A B" would make "A1 A2 B1 B2".

d1 $ chop 16 $ sound "arpy ~ feel*2 newnotes"

In the example above, each sample is chopped into 16 bits, resulting in 64 (16*4) events. You can pattern that first parameter:

d1 $ chop "<16 128 32>" $ sound "arpy ~ feel*2 newnotes"

You’ll already be able to hear this more clearly if you for example reverse the pattern, as you’ll reverse the order of the sample parts:

d1 $ slow 2 $ rev $ chop 16 $ sound "breaks125"

Lets try that reverse in just one speaker:

d1 $ slow 2 $ jux rev $ chop 16 $ sound "breaks125"

Different values of chop can yield very different results, depending on the samples used:

d1 $ chop 16 $ sound (samples "arpy*8" (run 16))
d1 $ chop 32 $ sound (samples "arpy*8" (run 16))
d1 $ chop 256 $ sound "bd*4 [sn cp] [hh future]*2 [cp feel]"

Adjust silences and overlaps

You’ll notice that lots of times your chopped up samples have some silences, or that the chunks overlap:

d1 $ chop 8 $ sound "alphabet" --cool stuttering!
d2 $ chop 32 $ sound "bev" --interesting overlap!

That happens because chop takes each sample, divides it in the given bits, and then assigns those bits into evenly spaced events in the pattern. So, for example, if we have a sample C that lasts half a cycle, chop 2 $ sound "C" will cut C in two equal bits; let’s call them C1 and C2. C1 will be trimmed so that it begins at the start of the sample and ends at its half, and C2, so that it begins at the half of the sample and ends at its end. As each bit will last a quarter of a cycle, we’ll hear a silence between when C1 ends and C2 is triggered at the middle of the cycle.

Slice seamlessly by adding loopAt

To get rid of those silences (or overlaps, if the sample were to last longer than a cycle), you can use loopAt, which makes samples fit a given number of cycles:

d1 $ loopAt 0.27 $ chop 8 $ sound "alphabet"
d2 $ loopAt 8 $ chop 32 $ sound "bev" --if we'd used `# cut 1`, granules wouldn't line up

Now, the bits line up perfectly, so you can’t really hear that the samples have been cut into bits!

The slicing becomes apparent again when you do further manipulations of the pattern, for example rev to reverse the order of the bits:

d1 $ loopAt 0.27 $ chop 8 $ sound "alphabet"
d2 $ loopAt 8 $ rev $ chop 32 $ sound "bev"

Note that changes in playback speed entail changes in pitch.

Manual slice lengths with chopBy

If you want to control the length of each part, you can use chopBy. This variant of chop accepts an extra parameter, which specifies the length of each part relative to its sample.

::: info chopBy is not yet implemented. For patterns with a single event, like in the examples below, the function striateBy is equivalent, so replace the former by the last. :::

You can use it for creating a continuous pad, like so:

d1 $ chopBy 16 1 $ sound "sax"

If each bit is longer than what it would be with regular striate, and we slow the pattern down, we can get a windowing effect:

d1 $ slow 32 $ chopBy 32 (1/4) $ sound "bev"

Rearrange the bits

The swiss knife of slicing: slice

If you want to have flexibility with the order in which the chopped up bits of each sample play, you can use slice.

Notice how these are equivalent:

d1 $ slice 8 "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7" $ sound "breaks165" # cut 1
d1 $ chop 8 $ sound "breaks165" # cut 1

Keep in mind that chop creates a new pattern where each sample is substituted by its subdivisions. That’s why to reproduce that behavior with slice in patterns with more than one sample, we need to run through all subdivisions in every sample. Notice how these are equivalent:

d1 $ chop 4 $ s "breaks125 rave:6"
d1 $ slice 4 "[0 1 2 3]*2" $ s "breaks125 rave:6"

Here’s an example of what we can achieve using slice:

d1 $ slice 8 "[<0*8 0*2> 3*4 2 4] [4 .. 7]" $ sound "breaks165" # cut 1

Throw the dice with randslice

If you want to play back a random bit each cycle, you can use the following:

d1 $ slice 32 (0 |+ irand 32) $ sound "bev"

There’s a more concise way of achieving the same using randslice. Notice how the following snippet is equivalent to the previous one:

d1 $ randslice 32 $ sound "bev"

Use fast to get more than one bit per cycle:

d1 $ fast 4 $ randslice 32 $ sound "bev"

Auto-fit with splice

If you want slices to be automatically sped up or down to fit their ‘slot’, so that you don’t have the silences or overlaps that were explained in the Adjust silences and overlaps section, you can use splice. As with loopAt, take into account that a change in speed means a change in pitch:

d1 $ splice 8 "[<0*8 0*2> 3*4 2 4] [4 .. 7]" $ sound "breaks165"

Make snappy grooves with bite

bite is quite different from the rest of functions presented here. It does not split or trim the samples; instead, it takes the structure from the whole pattern and combines it with a structure that has the same number of subdivisions as its first argument. Note how the lines below are equivalent:

d1 $ "t*3" |>| sound "sax sax:1" # cut 1
d1 $ bite 3 "0 1 2" $ sound "sax sax:1" # cut 1

Compare the difference between bite and slice:

d1 $ bite 4 "0 1 2 3" $ s "sax sax:1!2" # cut 1
d1 $ slice 4 "0 1 2 3" $ s "sax sax:1!2" # cut 1

As bite “retriggers” each sample, it is very useful for spicing up drum grooves:

d1 $ bite 4 "0 1*2 2*2 [~ 3]" $ n (run 8) # sound "drum"

The function that automatically speeds slices up or down for them to fit their ‘slot’, like splice does for slice, is chew.

Interlace samples with striate

striate is like chop in that it cuts each sample in the given number of parts, but then it plays all the parts interlaced. For example, if we had samples A and B, striate 2 $ sound "A B" would make "A1 B1 A2 B2".

In the following case, striate will go through the pattern three times, the first time playing the first third of each sample, then the second time playing the second third of each sample, and then finally the last third of each sample. Compare it with chop and then with the original:

d1 $ slow 4 $ striate 3 $ n "5 6 7 8" # s "alphabet"
d1 $ slow 4 $ chop 3 $ n "5 6 7 8" # s "alphabet"
d1 $ slow 4 $ n "5 6 7 8" # s "alphabet"

Note that striate makes easy to conceptualize something that would be more complicated with segment. These lines below are equivalent:

d1 $ segment 4 $ slice 2 "0 1" $ s "[alphabet:1 ho:1]*2"
d1 $ striate 2 $ s "alphabet:1 ho:1" -- much easier!

When the grains are of the right size and the samples sufficiently similar, striate creates a tremolo-like effect:

d1 $ striate 5 $ sound "sax sax:1"

We can make that tremolo sound more mechanic and less ethereal by cutting off the tails:

d1 $ striate 5 $ sound "sax sax:1" # cut 1

Notice that when there is only one event in the pattern, chop and striate are equivalent:

d1 $ chop 16 $ sound "breaks165" # legato 1
d1 $ striate 16 $ sound "breaks165" # legato 1

striateBy is the mirror of striate to chopBy of chop.

Go fully granular with miClouds

You can also use miClouds for granulating your samples! It’s a software replica of the Eurorack module Clouds by Mutable Instruments. For more information, check out the mi-UGens reference page.