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tedthetrumpet has created a Tidal file listing all the existing samples and commenting them. Load that file to listen to demonstrations; here are the comments:

nametedthetrumpet comment
8086 mixc 808 sound
808bd25 rather similar 808 kicks!
808cy25 808 cymbals
808hc5 808 high congas
808ht5 808 high toms, bit noisy
808lc5 808 low congas, noisy
808lt5 808 low toms, noisy
808mc5 808 medium congas
808oh5 808 open hats
808sd25 808 snares
909!4just one 909 kick, but very nice
abnice subtle drum sounds
adevarious long samples
ades2meh, short quiet noisy sounds
ades3short noisy sounds, lowish pitch
ades4short high pitched sounds
alextwo acoustic drum loops
armoraprobably useless low pitched noise
arptwo synth notes, low and high, both c#?!?
arpyd2 $ slow 4 $ s "superpiano" <| n "c d f g a c6 d6 f6 g6 a6 c7"
autovarious effected drum sounds
baasheep sounds, why?!?
baa2rather simlar to the above? same?
bassfour short bass sounds, nasty abrupt release
bass0one highly distorted bass drum, plus?!?!?
bass1thirty synth bass sounds, some long, f or c
bass2five aggressive tonal kicks
bass3eleven bass sounds, odd mix of pitches
bassdm24 rather similar acoustic-ish kicks
bassfoosame bank as bass0
battlesvery reverb military snare, hit and roll
bdlots of electo kicks, mostly quite similar
bendfour subtle noisy sounds
beveight bar vocal keyboard/bass loop (mono & stereo)
(Lazard - 4 O’Clock In The Morning (Promise Me - Beverley Craven))
binyup, two dustbin hits, kind of ok, could be a snare
birdschaffinches, nightingales etc
birds3very short noisy sounds, highish pitch
bleeprtd2 ish, loud!
bliptwo short pitched sounds, minor seventh apart
bluetwo spoken fragments, unintelligible
bottleshort sounds, might be a bottle
breaks125two one-bar breakbeats
breaks152one bar of amen at 152
breaks157one bar break at 157
breaks165one bar amen at 165
breathone breath sound, pretty pointless
bubbleactually sound more or less like kicks
canintersting percussive sounds
casiojust three cheapo ‘drum’ sounds
cbomg what is that sound, so familiar! iya — nearly same as 808:0
ccsome loud reverby cymbals
chinvery quiet synthetic clicks
circusthree strange and pointless sounds
claktwo quiet typewriters clicks, or clock ticks?
clickfour glitch sounds, maybe useful
clubkickfive similar very aggressive kicks
covarious hats
coinsvery quiet coin chink
controltwo synth notes, out of tune
cosmicgstrange mix of bleeps and loud noise
cptwo rather similar claps
crsix ride cymbs
crowtwo crow sounds twice
dfour misc useless sounds
dbhmm, pretty usable dry drumkit iya
dist16 highly distorted 1 bar drum loops
dork2four sounds, nae idea, voices in a space?
dorkbotpeople saying dorkbot, two variations
drloud midi drumkit, nasty cutoff at end
dr2six clean electro drum sounds
dr55four dr55 sounds
dr_feweight loud drum sounds
drumtraksloudish kit
e8 short and quiet glitchy sounds, similar
east9 ‘world’ drum sounds, ok
em2six longer sounds, kalimba, flute, loon?
erkvoice ‘one two three hit it’
fone short synth note, actually a bit below Eb
feelquite nice bank of 7 drum sounds
feelfxvaried effected sounds, bit longer, ok
festvoice saying ‘bling?’ or ‘berlin?‘
firelongish sample of fire sounds, low ambience
flickmix of 17 hits couple of long Cs
fmwhole bank of loops! inc ‘31 seconds…’
fooevery breakbeat evah
futuresynthetic hits, mostly kicks
gabbitcrushed hits
gabbabitcrushed kit, four sounds
glasstapthree nondescript short dry sounds
glitchiya Eb/Ab stab at 5
gretschacoustic kit, inc flams
gtrthree long C notes elect guitar
hshort baby sounds?
handmix of quiet clap sounds, some longer
hardcore12 synth drum hits
hardkick6 rather loud crushed kicks
haw6 odd short hits
hc6 closed hats
hhactually a mix of drum sounds, quiet, ok
hh27another quiet set of electro drum hits
hitstrange hits, 04 one quite long
hmmfemale voice saying ‘hmm’
hosix open hats, same but of varying length
hooversix loud hoover bass soundss
housequite a nice kit, one pitched sound at 5 ~ Ebm
ht16 syn toms, rather similar
iffive bitcrushed hits
ifdrumskick, hat, snare
incomingvery electro kit, meh
industrialiya mix of metallic percussive sounds
insectthree very quiet cricket sounds
invadersspace invaders sounds, varied lengths
jazztotally not jazzy at all kit!
jungbassmostly longish sub-bass kind of sounds
junglequiet ‘jungle’ kit, amen-ish
junolead/pad notes and chords, C/Cminor
jvbassselection synth notes, black notes starting Gb
koytwo koyaanisqatsi long samples, more or less sample
kurtvocal samples with telephone eq?
latibropentatonic selection of open 12th synth samples
ledtwo and a bit sample of drums plus intro bleed
lessfour fairly extreme drum sounds, kind of cool
lightershort quiet noisy hits high pitch meh
lt16 loud synth low toms
madesynthetic hits, not sure how to characterise!
made2very nasty bitcrushed long sound!
mashlow synth tom sound and sort of glitch sound, why
mash2longish low syntom sounds
metala tiny high metal tink at 10 pitches
miniyeahvery short glitchy sounds, better -24
monsterbno idea
mooglong low synth notes, various pitches
mouthiya short vocal sounds?
mp3harsh noise hits, horrible
msgsubtle quiet hits
mt16 medium synth toms
muterandom collection of french horn notes and doubles
newnotesshort high sine notes, black notes?
noiseshort quiet noise burst
noise28 short noise hits, three much louder than the others
notessame as newnotes, sines
numbersfemale voice individual numbers
ocopen-closed hats in single hits at four tempi
odxfairly aggressive kit, not very nice, new order apparently
offsingle short glitchy bass note C#
outdoorodd ambient hits, 2 is quite long, interesting
padfour very assorted long sounds, not exactly pads
padlongevolving m9 interval synth d2 $ s "superpiano" # up "[a2,g4]"
pebblesvery long, maybe pebbles on a beach
percok set of hits
pericollection of synth hits, ok
pluckpizz cb notes various, 0 is B (ish)
popkickkicks, but also tuned-ish in there
popkickkicks, but also tuned-ish in there Bb, ok
printdot matrix printer sounds, ok!
proctwo computer glitch sounds?
procshortcomputer sounds edited very short, clicky
psrodd mix of ?game sounds mostly short 0 is a kalimba
psrodd mix of ?game sounds mostly short
ravesoul shout vocals ‘are you ready’ etc
ravemonomono versions of rave shouts
rmtwo identical retro drum machine toms
rsretro drum machine metro sound?
saxchromatic collection of very long bari notes
sdtwo very similar retro snares, not that great!
seawolfnoise hits
sequentialdry acoustic-ish kit
sfkind of interesting collection of short hits, one C note at 0
sheffieldlong ambience
shortelctro kit sounds meh
sidok, pretty usable sid sounds, melodic potential
sinesines with blunt envelopes, some very low
sitarlongish sitar gestures
spacestrange mix of long/short sounds
speakspellshort tts iya!
speechmale vocal fragments plus two short hits
speechlessbits of male tts
speedupdownshort fragments of sound inc one loud noise burst
stabpolysynth/fm hits, sort of pitched not really
stompmostly kicks
subroc3dgame sounds? some hits, one random melody
sundancevery quiet beeps and an explosion, useless
tablaboth hits and gestures
tabla2multisampled single hits
tablexmale vocal fragments
tacscangame sounds, some long
techquiet but moderately interesting drum kit
technohits, odd mix
tinkhigh metallic sounds, pitched down iya
tokfour kind of kick sounds
toyskids toy & voice ‘classical music’ and ‘chimes’
trumptrumpet falls one phrase, thin eq
ulsort of hits/kit, some character, verby, loud
ulgabshort bitcrushed hits, usable
uxayone kick and two other sounds
v6 mixed electronic sounds, kind of a kit
voodooactually quite a nice five sound kit
windactually filtered white noise hits
wobbleone subbass hit
worldthree kit hits, meh
xmasvoice saying ‘merry christmas’
yeahbig selection of short clicks and pops, usable