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type Time = Rational

Time is rational

data ArcF a

An arc of time, with a start time (or onset) and a stop time (or offset)





Instances details

Applicative ArcF 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Tidal.Time


pure :: a -> ArcF a

(<*>) :: ArcF (a -> b) -> ArcF a -> ArcF b

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ArcF a -> ArcF b -> ArcF c

(*>) :: ArcF a -> ArcF b -> ArcF b

(<*) :: ArcF a -> ArcF b -> ArcF a

Functor ArcF 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Tidal.Time


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ArcF a -> ArcF b

(<$) :: a -> ArcF b -> ArcF a

Show Arc 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Tidal.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> Arc -> ShowS

show :: Arc -> String

showList :: [Arc] -> ShowS

Generic (ArcF a) 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Tidal.Time

Associated Types

type Rep (ArcF a) :: Type -> Type


from :: ArcF a -> Rep (ArcF a) x

to :: Rep (ArcF a) x -> ArcF a

Num a => Num (ArcF a) 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Tidal.Time


(+) :: ArcF a -> ArcF a -> ArcF a

(-) :: ArcF a -> ArcF a -> ArcF a

(*) :: ArcF a -> ArcF a -> ArcF a

negate :: ArcF a -> ArcF a

abs :: ArcF a -> ArcF a

signum :: ArcF a -> ArcF a

fromInteger :: Integer -> ArcF a

Fractional a => Fractional (ArcF a) 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Tidal.Time


(/) :: ArcF a -> ArcF a -> ArcF a

recip :: ArcF a -> ArcF a

fromRational :: Rational -> ArcF a

Show a => Show (Event a) 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Tidal.Show


showsPrec :: Int -> Event a -> ShowS

show :: Event a -> String

showList :: [Event a] -> ShowS

Show a => Show (ArcF a) 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Tidal.Time


showsPrec :: Int -> ArcF a -> ShowS

show :: ArcF a -> String

showList :: [ArcF a] -> ShowS

NFData a => NFData (ArcF a) 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Tidal.Time


rnf :: ArcF a -> ()

Eq a => Eq (ArcF a) 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Tidal.Time


(==) :: ArcF a -> ArcF a -> Bool

(/=) :: ArcF a -> ArcF a -> Bool

Ord a => Ord (ArcF a) 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Tidal.Time


compare :: ArcF a -> ArcF a -> Ordering

(<) :: ArcF a -> ArcF a -> Bool

(<=) :: ArcF a -> ArcF a -> Bool

(>) :: ArcF a -> ArcF a -> Bool

(>=) :: ArcF a -> ArcF a -> Bool

max :: ArcF a -> ArcF a -> ArcF a

min :: ArcF a -> ArcF a -> ArcF a

type Rep (ArcF a) 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Tidal.Time

type Rep (ArcF a) = D1 ('MetaData "ArcF" "Sound.Tidal.Time" "tidal-1.9.5-7AHiE4IEnHeHqbwX3gka7l" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Arc" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "start") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 a) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "stop") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 a)))

type Arc = ArcF Time

Utility functions - Time

sam :: Time -> Time

The sam (start of cycle) for the given time value. Cycles have duration 1, so every integer Time value divides two cycles.

toTime :: Real a => a -> Rational

Turns a number into a (rational) time value. An alias for toRational.

fromTime :: Fractional a => Time -> a

Turns a (rational) time value into another number. An alias for fromRational.

nextSam :: Time -> Time

The end point of the current cycle (and starting point of the next cycle)

cyclePos :: Time -> Time

The position of a time value relative to the start of its cycle.

Utility functions - Arc

hull :: Arc -> Arc -> Arc

convex hull union

subArc :: Arc -> Arc -> Maybe Arc

subArc i j is the timespan that is the intersection of i and j. intersection The definition is a bit fiddly as results might be zero-width, but not at the end of an non-zero-width arc - e.g. (0,1) and (1,2) do not intersect, but (1,1) (1,1) does.

subMaybeArc :: Maybe Arc -> Maybe Arc -> Maybe (Maybe Arc)

sect :: Arc -> Arc -> Arc

Simple intersection of two arcs

timeToCycleArc :: Time -> Arc

The Arc returned is the cycle that the Time falls within.

Edge case: If the Time is an integer, the Arc claiming it is the one starting at that Time, not the previous one ending at that Time.

cycleArc :: Arc -> Arc

Shifts an Arc to one of equal duration that starts within cycle zero. (Note that the output Arc probably does not start *at* Time 0 — that only happens when the input Arc starts at an integral Time.)

cyclesInArc :: Integral a => Arc -> [a]

Returns the numbers of the cycles that the input Arc overlaps (excluding the input Arc’s endpoint, unless it has duration 0 — see “Edge cases” below). (The “cycle number” of an Arc is equal to its start value. Thus, for instance, cyclesInArc (Arc 0 1.5) == [0,1].)

Edge cases: > cyclesInArc $ Arc 0 1.0001 == [0,1] > cyclesInArc $ Arc 0 1 == [0] — the endpoint is excluded > cyclesInArc $ Arc 1 1 == [1] — unless the Arc has duration 0

PITFALL: Don’t be fooled by the name. The output cycles are not necessarily completely contained in the input Arc, but they definitely overlap it, and they include every cycle that overlaps it.

cycleArcsInArc :: Arc -> [Arc]

This provides exactly the same information as cyclesInArc, except that this represents its output as Arcs, whereas cyclesInArc represents the same information as integral indices. (The Arc from 0 to 1 corresponds to the index 0, the one from 1 to 2 has index 1, etc.)

arcCycles :: Arc -> [Arc]

Splits the given Arc into a list of Arcs, at cycle boundaries.

arcCyclesZW :: Arc -> [Arc]

Like arcCycles, but returns zero-width arcs

mapCycle :: (Time -> Time) -> Arc -> Arc

Similar to fmap but time is relative to the cycle (i.e. the sam of the start of the arc)

isIn :: Arc -> Time -> Bool

isIn a t is True if t is inside the arc represented by a.