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QBRNTHSS — making a live coding album

“The Magic Words Are Squeamish Ossifrage” is the plain text solution to many cryptographic challenges, a tradition originated in a challenge set by the authors of the RSA encryption algorithm in 1977. It is my first full-length album as QBRNTHSS, the result of more than a year of live performances and rehearsals using TidalCycles and Supercollider as main instruments. It’s published on the Sheffield label Interworld Media in digital download and cassette tape, and aesthetically it’s a mixture of synthetic textures, noisy ambients and broken rhythms.

Profile: Eloi el Bon Noi

For me TidalCycles is a compositional tool because it allows me to make the complex music I’ve always dreamed of and do it very quickly, and more importantly, it allows me to perform it by myself in any circumstance. I’m particularly interested in the ability to create complex iterative structures and the flexibility it gives you to manipulate the sound. Sometimes, when I finish writing one of my endless scripts, I’ll run it and spend some time listening to what Tidal comes up with. I’m fascinated by the code’s ability to generate unexpected structures all the time.

How Link became Tidal's scheduler

This post shares my experience of replacing a significant part of the Tidal internals. What I achieved is a direct integration from Tidal with Link, which is a library for synchronizing musical time between applications. In this post, I’ll explain why Link integration was important to me, provide an introduction to Tidal internals (with a focus on scheduling), some important concepts of Link, and how I overcame some really tough challenges!

Prepared Code with ghostchamb3r

Hello, I am ghostchamb3r and this is my Masterclass. 👻 For lack of a better term I produce electronic dance music. I take influences from a variety of genres and as a result I use a variety of production techniques and sound design approaches. When I go to upload my music to Spotify I just tell Spotify that it’s Hard Techno, because sure, why not? I’m pretty sure it’s not actually hard Techno or any of the other genres from the pulldown list. I don’t know what it is. What I do know is that it’s danceable and it hits hard on a club room floor.

Profile: Linalab

I’m Lina, I’m a composer and live coder, I see myself as a long-distance runner in live coding. I’m not a fast learner, but I’ve always been enthusiastic to see and to analyse other live coders’ techniques, especially in live sessions (it’s not the same to see a streamed or pre-recorded session, than to feel the space and share it with the live coder), that’s probably why I’ve organised many performances, workshops, Algoraves and projects around live coding and Tidal.