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All mi-UGens Synth modules support the following common SynthDef parameters

Supported parameters (default value)



Description: miOmi or “Ominous Voice”, an almost vibraphone-like synth, electric bass lows and tinkling highs. omi does not take any extra parameters.


d1 $ s "omi" <| note "a [~ g] [c b] [g gs]"
# octave "<3 4 5 6 7 8>"
# sustain "{1 2 1}%8"


Description: miBraids is a voltage-controlled monophonic digital sound source. Each algorithm is controlled by two continuously variable parameters, timbre and color. More information…

Parameter (def)RangeDescription
model (0)0-4748 available model selections, for details on each of the models see this manual
timbre (0.5)0.0-1.0model specific tone control
color (0.5)0.0-1.0model specific tone control


d1 $ s "braids" <| note "a [~ g] [c b] [g gs]"
# octave "<3 4 5 6 7 8>"
# sustain "{1 2 1}%8"
# model (slow 48 $ run 48)
# timbre (slow 3 sine)
# color (saw)


Description: miPlaits is the spiritual successor of miBraids, with direct access to a large palette of easily tweakable raw sonic material, covering the whole gamut of synthesis techniques. For more information, see the dedicated reference page for Plaits.

Parameter (def)RangeDescription
engine (0)0-1516 available engine selections, the later numbers focus on noisy and percussive sounds. All engines are detailed in the Plaits engine page
timbre (0.5)0.0-1.0engine specific tone control - sweeps the spectral content from dark/sparse to bright/dense
harm (0.5)0.0-1.0engine specific tone control - “harmonics” controls the frequency spread or the balance between the various constituents of the tone
morph (0.5)0.0-1.0engine specific tone control - explores lateral timbral variations
level (1)0.0-1.0Opens the internal low-pass gate, to simultaneously control the amplitude and brightness of the output signal. Also acts as an accent control when triggering the physical or percussive models
lpgdecay (0)0.0-1.0adjust the ringing time of the LPG and the decay time of the internal envelope
lpgcolour (0)0.0-1.0adjust the response of the LPG, from VCFA to VCA
lpg d csee aboveconvenience function for simultaneous lpgdecay and lpgcolour control
mode (0)0-1synthdef specific mode to control signal mixing, more information


d1 $ s "plaits" <| note "a [~ g] [c b] [g gs]"
# octave "<3 4 5 6 7 8>"
# sustain "{1 2 1}%8"
# engine (slow 16 $ run 16)
# timbre (slow 3 sine)
# harm (slow 4 saw)
# morph (slow 9 saw)
# level (slow 8 sine)


Description: miTides is a tidal (and not Tidal) modulator based on the concept of Flow (a voltage goes up) and Ebb (a voltage goes back to it’s initial level). More information…

tidesshape (0.5)0.0-1.0shape of the ascending and descending segments
tidessmooth (0.5)0.0-1.0waveshape transformation, 0.0-0.5 smooths edges, 0.5-1.0 adds kinks and bumps along the slope
slope (0.5)0.0-1.0ratio between the durations of the ascending and descending segments
shift (0.5)0.0-1.0mode specific control, adjusting amplitude and other parameters
mode (2)0-3different output modes. For details see the Manual


d1 $ s "tides" <| note "a [~ g] [c b] [g gs]"
# octave "<3 4 5 6 7 8>"
# sustain "{1 2 1}%8"
# mode "<0 1 2 3>"
# shift (slow 5 sine)
# tidesshape (slow 7 sine)
# tidessmooth (range 0.2 1 $ slow 8 sine)
# slope (slow 3 sine)


verb (global)

Description: miVerb is a gentle reverb implemented as a global effect with a large number of tweakable parameters

verb w t d hnaconvenience function, combining wet, time, damp, and hp
verbgain0.0-1.0+gain level
verbwet0.0-1.0dry/wet mix
verbtime0.0-1.0+sustain time, be careful with feedback using values over 1
verbdamp0.0-1.0suppression on the sustain, higher values suppress more quickly
verbhp0.0-1.0smaller values emulate larger chamber spaces
verbfreeze0 | 1enable with 1, freezes the last reverb event allowing it to tail off completely
verbdiff0.0-1.0new verb events interact with existing verb trails, lower values for a more pronounced effect


d1 $ s "[[bd sd], linnhats*8]"
# verb 0.9 0.9 0.1 0.2

clouds (global)

Description: miClouds is a granular audio processor. It creates textures and soundscapes by combining multiple overlapping, delayed, transposed and enveloped segments of sound taken from an audio recording buffer. More information…

clouds p s d tnaconvenience function, combining pos, size, dens and tex
cloudsblend w s f rnaconvenience function, combining wet, spread, fb and rvb
cloudspos0.0-1.0selects from which part of the recording buffer the audio grains are played
cloudssize0.0-1.0grain size
cloudsdens0.0-1.0grain density
cloudstex0.0-1.0grain texture, morphs through various shapes of grain envelopes
cloudsgain0.0-1.0+gain level
cloudswet0.0-1.0blend wet/dry mix
cloudsspread0.0-1.0blend stereo spread
cloudsfb0.0-1.0Warning: values over 0.3 get dangerous - blend feedback amount
cloudsrvb0.0-1.0blend reverberation amount
cloudsfreeze0 | 1stops the recording of incoming audio, granularization is now performed on the last piece of audio
cloudsmode0-3infamous alternate modes, 0 = normal operation, 3 = spectral processor


d1 $ s "[[bd sd], [linnhats*8]]"
# clouds 0.1 0.5 0.05 0.1
# cloudsblend 1 0.2 0.33 0.8


Description: miElements is a modal synthesis voice effect, generating raw sounds from a variety of sound creation techniques (bowing, blowing, or striking). More information…

elementsstrength(-1.0)-1.0attenuates (negative) or amplifies (positive) the excitation signal
elementspitch0.0-1.0fundamental frequency of the resonator
elementscontour0.0-1.0envelope applied to the bow/blow exciters
elementsbowlevel0.0-1.0amplitude of scratching/bowing resonator
elementsbowtimb0.0-1.0smoothness of the bow material
elementsblowlevel0.0-1.0amount of granular blowing noise sent to the resonator
elementsblowtimb0.0-1.0pitch/granulation rate of the noise generator
elementsflow0.0-1.0airflow of the blow generator
elementsstrikelevel0.0-1.0amount of percussive noise sent to the resonator
elementsstriketimb0.0-1.0brightness/speed of the percussive excitation
elementsmallet0.0-1.0changes the type of percussive noise
elementsgeom0.0-1.0geometry and stiffness of the resonating structure, from plates, to strings, to bars/tubes, to bells/bowls
elementsbright0.0-1.0low values simulate wood/nylon, high values simulate glass or steel
elementsdamp0.0-1.0how quickly energy dissipates through the material
elementspos0.0-1.0simulate different string/surface excitation points
elementsspace0.0-1.0stereo width and amount of reverb applied to sound
elementsmodel0 | 1undocumented
elementseasteregg0 | 1undocumented


d1 $ s "[[bd sd], linnhats*8]"
# elementsstrength "0.9"
# elementspitch (slow 3 sine)
# elementsblowlevel 0.6
# elementsblowtimb (slow 5 sine)
# elementsflow "{0.3 0.6 0.7}"
# elementsstrikelevel 1
# elementsstriketimb 0.1
# elementsmallet rand
# elementseasteregg "[1 | 0 | 0]"
# elementsmodel "[0 | 1]"
# elementscontour (slow 5 saw)
# elementsgeom 2
# elementsbright (slow 7 saw)
# elementsdamp 0
# elementspos 0.314
# elementsspace 0.9


Description: miMu is a low frequency distortion effect, works best on long release, low frequency sounds

mu0-5+adjusts gain and applies a low frequency distortion


d1 $ s "bass1:1"
# mu 5
# gain 0.7


Description: miRings is a resonator effect with three families of vibrating structures simulated. More information…

rings f s b d pnaconvenience function
ringsfreq (440)0-1500+adjusts pitch, higher values are higher pitches, does not enjoy being patterned much
ringsstruct0.0-1.0model specific control, see the manual
ringsbright0.0-1.0adjust level of higher harmonics in the signal
ringsdamp0.0-1.0controls the decay time, smaller values for shorter decay
ringspos0.0-1.0excitation position
ringsmodel0 | 1toggle between modal, and sympathetic string resonators
ringspoly0 | 1toggle polyphonic mode on
ringsinternal0 | 1undocumented
ringseasteregg0 | 1undocumented


d1 $ s "[[bd sd], linnhats*8]"
# rings 100 rand 0.7 (slow 3 sine) 0.9
# ringsmodel "[0|1]"
# ringspoly "[0|1|0]"
# ringsinternal "[1|0|1|1]"


Description: miRipples is an analog 4 pole filter. More information…

ripples c r dnaconvenience function
ripplescf0.0-1.0cutoff frequency, 20Hz to 20kHz
ripplesreson0.0-1.0+resonance, self resonance occurs from ~0.75
ripplesdrive0-5gain level


d1 $ s "[[bd sd], linnhats*8]"
# ripplescf 0.4
# ripplesreson (range 0.5 1 $ slow 7 sine)
# ripplesdrive "{1 3 5}%2"


Description: miWarps offers a variety of wave-shaping and cross-modulation effects. More information…

warpsalgo0-7modulation algorithm. See the manual
warpstimb0.0-1.0intensity of high harmonics, or algorithm tone control
warpsosc0-3internal oscillator state and waveform
warpsfreq0.0-1.0external carrier amplitude or internal oscillator frequency
warpseasteregg0 | 1undocumented


d1 $ s "[[bd sd], linnhats*8]"
# warpstimb (slow 5 sine)
# warpsosc "<0 1 2 3>"
# warpsalgo "<0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6>"
# warpsfreq (slow 3 saw)
# warpseasteregg 1